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Die Leidenschaft der Blaschkas für die Natur

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Rudolph (1822-1895) und Leopold Blaschka (1857-1939) waren aussergewöhnliche Glashandwerker. Heute sind sie berühmt für ihre schönen, lebensechten Glasblumen und wirbellosen Meerestiere. Die beiden produzierten Tausende dieser Modelle für Museen und Universitäten auf der ganzen Welt.

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Brown, David Owen. Harvell, Drew. Jensen, Denis. (n.d.) Fragile Legacy.  

Cornell University. (2012, December 12). Fragile Legacy: The Blaschka’s Time Capsule of Marine Biodiversity. Cornell University. Cornell Video. 

Callaghan, E., Doyle, H. J., & Reynaud, E. G. (2014). The Blaschka collection at University College Dublin: rebuilding its history. Journal of the History of Collections, 26(1), 63–71. 

Cornell University Library. (n.d.) Out of the teeming Sea. Cornell Colleciton of Blaschka Invertebrate Models. Cornell University Library. Digital Collections.  

Deane, W. (1894). The Ware Collection of Blaschka glass models of flowers at Harvard. Botanical Gazette, 19(4), 144-148. 

Doyle, H., Callaghan, E., & Reynaud, E. G. (2017). Blaschka invertebrate models in Irish institutions. Journal of the History of Collections, fhw030–.

Dyer, R. (2008). Learning through glass: the Blaschka marine models in North American post secondary education. Historical Biology, 20(1), 29-37. 

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. (n.d.). Sea Slugs.,organ%20development%20and%20defense%20mechanisms.  

Giles Miller, C., & Lowe, M. (2008). The Natural History Museum Blaschka collections. Historical Biology, 20(1), 51-62. 

Hackethal, S. (2008). The Blaschka models of the Humboldt University of Berlin and their historical context. Historical Biology, 20(1), 19-28. 

Haeckel, E. (1899). Kunstformen der Natur. Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig. 

Haeckel, E. (1904). Kunstformen der Natur (2. Sammlung). Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig. 

Häder, S. (2012). Kunstformen als Wissensrepräsentationen. Die naturwissenschaftlichen Glasmodelle von Leopold (1822-1895) und Rudolf (1857-1939) Blaschka (pp. 200-217). 

Harvard Museum of Natural History. (n.d.). Glass flowers: The Ware Collection of Blaschka Glass models of plants.

Harvell, D. (2016). A Sea of Glass  : Searching for the Blaschkas’ Fragile Legacy in an Ocean at Risk. University of California Press,.  

Koch, H., Koch, H. J., & Rasper, M. (2007). Blaschka : gläserne Geschöpfe des Meeres. Dölling und Galitz  

Nalewicki, Jennifer. (2016, May 19). Stunning 19th-Century Glass Models Teach Scientists about the Ocean's Fragility. Scientific American.

Osterloff, Emily. (n.d.). Nudibranchs: How sea slugs steal venom. Natural History Museum UK.  

Reiling, H. (1998). The Blaschka’s Glass Animal Models: Origins of Design. Journal of Glass Studies, 40, 105–126. 

Reiling, H. (2000). The Blaschkas' glass animal models: illustrations of 19th century zoology. Scientiarum Historia: Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen en de Geneeskunde, 26(1), 131-143. 

Rossi-Wilcox, S. M., Reiling, H., & Bisaga, P. (2003). The Blaschkas' lampworking tables. Journal of Glass Studies, 167-176. 

Rossi-Wilcox, S. M., & Whitehouse, D. (2007). Drawing upon Nature: Studies for the Blaschkas’ glass models. Corning (USA): The Corning Museum of Glass

Rudman, W.B. (1998, November 6). Glaucus atlanticus Forster, 1777. Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney.  

Rydlová, E., & Kopecká, I. (2016). A Blaschka Glass Model of an Octopus from the National Museum in Prague. Journal of Glass Studies, 58, 245–252. 

Shaw, M. D., Szczepanski, J. Z., Murray, S. F., Hodge, S., & Vink, C. J. (2017). Ideas made glass: Blaschka glass models at Canterbury Museum. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 31, 5-84. 

SUBMON. (2020, March 25). Adapt to the environment: the camouflage of the sea swallow (Glaucus atlanticus). SUBMON. Environmental Education and Awareness.  

Whitehouse, David. (2011, November 3). Blaschka’s Glass Models of Invertebrate Animals (1863-1890). Corning Museum of Glass.  

Wiegmann, K., Brümmer, F., & Blaschka, L. (2006). Kunstformen des Meeres : zoologische Glasmodelle von Leopold und Rudolf Blaschka 1863-1890. Kulturamt. 

Wiley, F. B. (1897). Flowers that Never Fade: An Account of the Ware Collection of Blaschka Glass Models in the Harvard University Museum. B. Whidden. 

WoRMS Editorial Board (2023). World Register of Marine Species.  

Miller, Giles. (2014, July 24). Curator of Micropaleontology’s blog. Natural History Museum UK.  


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